اعملو تاق لاحد يحب المقرمشات او مكسرات؟ اختي اماني عملتها بلزعتر والسماق! انتو عندكم وصفات مقرمشات، شاركونا فيها! الوصفة تنفع للاطفال و الضيوف او سناك خفيف. مره عجبتني لذيذه 👌
Tag someone who likes crackers or nuts? My sister Amani made it with thyme and sumac! You have crackers recipes, share them with us! The recipe is great for kids, guests or a light snack. I really liked it, tasty 👌
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1/2 cup chashew & walnut
1/2 cup Almond
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup Flax seed
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
3tbsp zaatar/thyme
3tbsp olive oil
1tbsp sumac
1 & half cup water
-Preheat oven on the highest temperature, then once u add the crackers lower the temperature to 180C for 20 minutes or until golden brown.