أحدث الوصفاتالاطباق الرئيسية

تريت بلبن

تريت بلبن


  • ١/٤ كغ لحم مفروم
  • ٢ كوب لبن زبادي الفلاحة
  • ٨ بيضات
  • ٣ أرغف خبز شامي, مثلثات
  • ٣ فصوص ثوم مهروس
  • ١/٤ م ص بهار سوري (أو بهارات مشكلة)
  • ملح و فلفل أسود
  • بقدونس للزينة
  • ١ م ك سمن
  • ١ م ك نشاء .

Treat b laban

1/4 kg ground beef
2 cups plain yogurt
8 eggs
3 shami bread, cut into triangles
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 tsp syrian 7 spice
Salt and black pepper
1 tbsp ghee
1 tbsp starch
Parsley for garnish

-Cook the ground beef on a hot pan and season with salt, black pepper, and some Syrian seven spice.
-Add the yogurt, starch, garlic, and salt on a different pot, stir first well then heat it on the stove top until it starts to boil while continuously whisking.
-On a pan; melt the ghee and cook the eggs after scrambling them in a boil with some salt and pepper.
-To assemble the dish, arrange the bread in a plate then pour the yogurt.
-Add the eggs, meat, and garnish with some parsley.

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